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The Emergency Recovery Pack is a new lease of life for your setup.  Its too easy to allow your hardware to die under your feet while concentrating on your skating, but the ERP will refresh your undercarriage, keep you from the frustration of cross-threaded wheel nuts, ground down Kingpin nuts and your truck bolts rattle free - on top of that use the washers and it will help keep your axels from slipping and your bearings from being crushed too.


Trucks and Bearings should last through many sets of wheels and boards - so before you get hit with the cost of a new set of trucks right when you have then ground in nicely, let the ERP keep you rolling safer and longer.

Emergency PAck FINAL cutout.png
EmergencyRecorveryPack Final Inverted2.jpg

Included in the pot:


8 x 1" Allen Key Bolts

1 x  Allen Key

4 x  Wheel Nuts

2 x  King Pin Nuts

8 x  Speed Washers

1 x  Prescription Hardware Sticker

Prescription Hardware - Premium Skateboarding Hardware

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